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of Going Through the Process of a Personal Injury Claim

The team at Dismuke Law understands how our clients are affected by accidents and brings that empathy to the courtroom and settlement table every day.


Recent Car Accidents Blogs:

The at-fault party’s insurance company will immediately launch an auto accident investigation to reduce their payout.

This investigation includes taking statements from the parties and witnesses and collecting physical evidence, such as photographs and even the damaged vehicles.

While the insurance company attempts to avoid liability, most auto accident victims are left to deal with the personal and financial effects of the trauma. This reality is why it’s important to have a specialist on your side. We won’t let the insurance company take advantage of you.

Most people avoid doctor appointments after a vehicle accident. However, after a severe auto crash, it is important to follow medical advice to give yourself the best and fastest chance to heal.

Seek medical care immediately after an injury and avoid missing appointments with your healthcare professionals.

Your auto accident case value is determined by evidence from several places, especially your doctors. Most people who require treatment will get better; however, some catastrophic injuries require lifelong care.

After an accident, document what future needs may be necessary. It is also important to tell your doctors about past issues.

The doctors need to give opinions about new injuries and prior injuries that were possibly exacerbated. Failure to provide your doctors with accurate information may damage your credibility and undermine your doctor’s findings.

After Lakeland, FL, car accident, you must demonstrate that your injury is permanent to receive compensation for pain and suffering, disability or physical impairment, deformity, mental anguish, inconvenience, or loss of capacity for enjoyment of life.

To be considered a permanent injury, it must include:

A significant and permanent loss of an important bodily function.

Permanent and significant scarring or disfigurement.

An injury that the evidence shows is permanent to a reasonable degree of probability.

Maximum medical improvement is when an injured patient’s condition cannot be further improved or when a healing plateau is reached.

It can mean the patient has fully recovered from their injury, or their condition has stabilized, and no substantial change can be expected. Maximum medical improvement does not mean the patient will not receive future care.

Sometimes, future care is designed to help with functionality or pain levels and will not cure the condition. This kind of treatment following a car wreck is called “palliative care.” Palliative care is a multidisciplinary approach to specialized health care for people with severe conditions.

It focuses on providing patients with relief from the symptom or pain. Such therapy aims to improve the patient’s quality of life.

After getting the care you need, obtaining good advice and counsel is important for your future. Hiring the right personal injury attorneys can make a difference in your case. If you need legal assistance, contact one of our car accident specialists.

If you hire a lawyer on contingency, you will likely pay the same percentage fee whether your lawyer is a first-year lawyer with little or no experience or a board-certified specialist by the Florida Bar.


GEICO is one of the largest auto insurance companies in the US. With more than 15 million policyholders, there is a high likelihood if you were in an accident, you will be dealing with GEICO. Although the company has revenues over $25 billion per year, this does not necessarily translate to high (or even fair) payouts for its policyholders. If anything, GEICO has a reputation for being one of the toughest insurance companies to deal with for injury victims. If you were injured or incurred property damage in a car accident in Central Florida and are now looking to file a GEICO claim, it is vital to proceed with a plan. Our Lakeland car accident lawyers explains all you need to know about filing a GEICO claim and increasing your chances of a fair settlement.

What is it like to deal with GEICO?

GEICO is well-known for its friendly commercials headlined by its lovable gecko. In many ways, this is typical of the company’s public relations. Its insurance agents and loss adjusters are extremely courteous, and all its processes are designed to be easy-to-use for policyholders. However, this friendly nature does not always extend to the most important aspect for consumers settling claims.

GEICO is not popular for being generous with policyholders and, like most insurers, owe its first allegiance to its bottom line.  The company has also had incidences, even as recently as March 2020, where its policyholders complained of predatory and dishonest practices.

Has GEICO insurance company had any complaints against them?

A California class-action lawsuit filed against the company alleged that GEICO misled policyholders into buying policies. The lawsuit claimed that GEICO capitalized on policyholders confusion as to the technical meaning of comprehensive insurance. They nurture a false belief that comprehensive insurance would provide both liability and collision coverage when, in fact, it covered only liability coverage. Another lawsuit by the Florida Spine and Joint Institute in April 2020 is alleging that GEICO is engaging in systemic fraud by denying coverage to their customers by refusing to pay for legitimate medical services validly rendered under applicable policies. Keep in mind that these lawsuits may be isolated events and are to be expected as all insurance companies face legal action at one time or the other. However, it pays to be extra diligent in preparing for your claims process, so you have the best chance at recovery.

What should you do immediately after your car accident?

It is important that you carry out certain specific actions in the aftermath of your Lakeland car accident. These will be vital to laying a solid foundation for your claim; it is important that you:

Get medical attention:

Let a medical doctor look you over, and report all your injuries, not just the worse one.

Get a police report:

Even if the police did not come to the scene, go to a police station and file a report.

Gather as much evidence as you can:

This can include taking pictures of the accident scene and interviewing witnesses. When you are done, sit and write down all you remember about the accident.

Contact your insurance agent as soon as you can:

Even if the accident was minor. But keep the contact to the bare minimum and do not sign or agree to anything.  Keep in mind GEICO will likely record the conversation.


Only inform the agent of the bare details about the accident and that you will be filing a claim shortly. Do not speculate on liability and keep your opinions to yourself.

What is the process for filing claims with GEICO?

GEICO typically has a range of means through which policyholders can file claims. After speaking with your insurance agent, you should have received instructions on how to get started with filing your claim and which of the available means you should use. However, the auto insurance company typically prefers using a mostly electronic process. This means your claims will usually be filed online either by phone, email, mobile app, or through their website. You can go through any one of these means that is most comfortable for you or as instructed by the agent. If you are filing your claim through the GEICO mobile app or website, you will need to create a user profile before proceeding to file your claim. Ensure that you have all the necessary information at hand before you get started on filing.

What information do you need to file your claim?

When filing your claim with GEICO, it is important that you have the following information at hand:

  • Your insurance policy number or if the accident is severe, the details and policy number of the at-fault driver.
  • A copy of the traffic crash report.
  • If there were passengers involved in the accident, provide the contact information of all passengers (usually in the traffic crash report).
  • If you were able to secure witnesses to the accident, provide the contact information of all witnesses (usually in the traffic crash report).
  • Any evidence you have from the scene, such as pictures or videos of the property damage.
  • Details of all bodily injuries you suffered due to the accident, as well as documentation of your injuries, including any recommendations made by the doctor.
  • All wage loss information, as well as reports from your health care providers about your restriction due to the traffic crash.
  • Details of other losses suffered, including damage to your car
  • You can also provide the contact information of an auto repair shop that you trust to provide an independent estimate of your likely repair expenses

What happens after you file your GEICO claim?

Once you file your claim, you will be assigned a claim number. This number identifies your claim and distinguishes it from the thousands of claims filed against the company. The number enables the company to track your claim internally and will also need to be provided if you want to check on the progress of your claim. The next thing that will happen is GEICO claims loss adjusters will get to work on investigating your claim and verifying your story. The investigation will include examining the police report, evidence and documentation you provided, as well as potentially speaking to witness if you have provided any. Be prepared to receive calls from the loss adjuster requesting clarification about the accident or simply asking for your account. You must be extremely careful about whatever you say at this point, as it may be used to distort your account. If you have already secured legal representation at this point, you can direct them to your attorney instead. Once the claim has been evaluated, the loss adjuster will make you an offer. Usually, the first offer is far from fair. Click here to understand better what your case is worth.

When should you contact a GEICO claims attorney?

In most cases, you should contact a Lakeland GEICO claims lawyer immediately after your car accident. This is especially important if you suffered bodily injury due to the accident. Claims of this nature are often complicated and will typically require the assistance of an attorney to force a fair settlement.

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We Care About Your Recovery

Seriously injured? Have no coverage? We want to talk to you and we can help. We have two convenient office locations in Lakeland and Tampa and can even come to you if you are unable to travel due to your injuries. When you’ve been hurt in Florida, 1-800-ASK-DAVE is the only number you have to remember.


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