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Tampa Workers’ Compensation Lawyer


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The at-fault party’s insurance company will immediately launch an auto accident investigation to reduce their payout.

This investigation includes taking statements from the parties and witnesses and collecting physical evidence, such as photographs and even the damaged vehicles.

While the insurance company attempts to avoid liability, most auto accident victims are left to deal with the personal and financial effects of the trauma. This reality is why it’s important to have a specialist on your side. We won’t let the insurance company take advantage of you.

Most people avoid doctor appointments after a vehicle accident. However, after a severe auto crash, it is important to follow medical advice to give yourself the best and fastest chance to heal.

Seek medical care immediately after an injury and avoid missing appointments with your healthcare professionals.

Your auto accident case value is determined by evidence from several places, especially your doctors. Most people who require treatment will get better; however, some catastrophic injuries require lifelong care.

After an accident, document what future needs may be necessary. It is also important to tell your doctors about past issues.

The doctors need to give opinions about new injuries and prior injuries that were possibly exacerbated. Failure to provide your doctors with accurate information may damage your credibility and undermine your doctor’s findings.

After Lakeland, FL, car accident, you must demonstrate that your injury is permanent to receive compensation for pain and suffering, disability or physical impairment, deformity, mental anguish, inconvenience, or loss of capacity for enjoyment of life.

To be considered a permanent injury, it must include:

A significant and permanent loss of an important bodily function.

Permanent and significant scarring or disfigurement.

An injury that the evidence shows is permanent to a reasonable degree of probability.

Maximum medical improvement is when an injured patient’s condition cannot be further improved or when a healing plateau is reached.

It can mean the patient has fully recovered from their injury, or their condition has stabilized, and no substantial change can be expected. Maximum medical improvement does not mean the patient will not receive future care.

Sometimes, future care is designed to help with functionality or pain levels and will not cure the condition. This kind of treatment following a car wreck is called “palliative care.” Palliative care is a multidisciplinary approach to specialized health care for people with severe conditions.

It focuses on providing patients with relief from the symptom or pain. Such therapy aims to improve the patient’s quality of life.

After getting the care you need, obtaining good advice and counsel is important for your future. Hiring the right personal injury attorneys can make a difference in your case. If you need legal assistance, contact one of our car accident specialists.

If you hire a lawyer on contingency, you will likely pay the same percentage fee whether your lawyer is a first-year lawyer with little or no experience or a board-certified specialist by the Florida Bar.

Workers’ compensation allows people who have been injured while working to secure financial damages while they recover. However, many people find the process of claiming workers’ compensation from their employer confusing, tedious, or even intimidating. If you or a loved one was injured or developed an illness because of your working conditions, you may have grounds to demand compensation for your medical expenses and income loss.

At Dismuke Law, we offer legal representation to workers in Tampa and the surrounding cities in Florida. We can assign a Tampa workers’ compensation lawyer to your case and have them guide you through the claims process. If necessary, we can also prepare your case for trial or handle denial notices on your claim. The first consultation is free when you call.

Workers’ Compensation Can Help You Recover Financial Damages

The Florida Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) notes that construction employers, employers of companies that have at least four employees, and agricultural businesses must provide workers’ compensation to their employees if they get injured or develop an illness while working. In Florida, construction workers cannot be “independent contractors” but are instead labeled as employees to ensure their workers’ compensation rights.

With our lawyers’ help, you could secure:

The Totality of Your Medical Expenses

When you notify your employer about your injury, they will then alert their workers’ compensation insurance company about your condition. The insurance company may connect you to a physician included in your employer’s network. Provided you continue receiving medical treatment as referred by your employer’s network, you may receive coverage for:

  • Doctor’s appointments
  • Emergency care
  • Surgeries
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation
  • Medical aid equipment

If you choose to see a physician outside of your employer’s network, their insurer might deny coverage for those appointments or treatment sessions. This is not the case in life-or-death situations where you required emergency medical attention.

Temporary Disability Benefits to Cover Lost Wages

If your injuries or illness prevent you from going to work, you may receive temporary disability benefits to recover your lost wages. Temporary disability benefits generally offer up to two-thirds of your average weekly earnings, though you may have options to pursue additional compensation depending on the severity of your injuries or illness.

Permanent Disability Benefits

If your injuries or illness caused you to become permanently disabled, you could receive permanent disability benefits on top of your temporary disability benefits. How much you receive will depend on the type of disability you have, such as whether you have a partial or total disability. You will need an approved physician to confirm your condition and attest that you will not achieve maximum medical improvement (MMI) beyond your disability.

Additionally, you may receive these benefits until you reach the age of 75 years old. However, if you do not qualify for Social Security benefits, you may receive permanent disability benefits to cover your lost wages for the rest of your life.

Vocational Rehabilitation Services

If you can return to work, your workers’ compensation benefits also include vocational rehabilitation services, which allow you to find work that you can do in your condition. Should you require additional training or education, your vocational coach can provide you with these resources.

Our Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Can Manage Your Claim

Hiring a workers’ compensation attorney in Tampa, Florida, can help you ensure your claim is correct and comprehensive. Our legal team offers several services to help clients build their cases.

We Manage Your Case’s Administrative Work

When you allow our legal team to review your case, we can perform the following administrative services:

  • Reviewing your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance policy to determine what kind of coverage you may receive
  • Reviewing your workers’ compensation application and editing it for any errors
  • Helping you collect evidence to support your claim, such as organizing medical testing to confirm your injuries and condition
  • Filing for an appeal on your case if you were denied benefits

Our Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Will Represent You

Legal representation from an attorney doesn’t just mean they will represent you in court. When you hire one of our workers’ compensation lawyers, legal representation can also involve:

  • Communicating with insurance representatives and other involved parties in your case
  • Negotiating with the insurance company so that you receive fair compensation
  • Appearing in court hearings or appeal hearings to petition for your right to compensation
  • Providing legal counsel so that you can be informed when making legal decisions

If you have further questions about what our services involve, you can speak with a member of our team in a free consultation.

Our Lawyers Can Assess Whether You Can File a Liability Claim

Workers’ compensation in Florida operates on a no-fault system. This means, as long as you were injured while partaking in job-related duties, you can seek compensation. However, if another party’s negligence led to your condition, you can seek compensation through a workers’ compensation and liability claim concurrently.

With a personal injury case, you can recover damages that workers’ compensation doesn’t cover, such as:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Reduced earning potential
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of consortium
  • Out-of-pocket costs, such as mileage costs to travel to medical appointments
  • The full cost of your lost income

As with your workers’ compensation claim, your personal injury case comes with various deadlines––each of which our Tampa lawyers can handle. For instance, for a personal injury lawsuit, you generally have two years to file, per HB 837.

You Could File a Liability Claim After One of These Incidents

As noted, if another party’s actions or omissions led to your injuries, you can seek damages through a third-party claim. Dismuke Law manages cases related to:

  • Traffic accidents, including those caused by drunk driving
  • Wrongful death
  • Premises liability incidents (such as slips and falls)
  • Assaults from negligent security

Securing compensation through a liability claim requires our team to show that because of another party’s negligence, you were injured and incurred losses. We can start building your case from the moment you connect with us.

Facts and Statistics About Workplace Accidents in Tampa

You’re not alone if you suffered a job-related injury. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that nationwide, workplace accidents jumped nine percent in a recent year. Some other notable facts include:

  • Transportation accidents account for about 35 percent of job-related deaths.
  • Most serious injuries and fatal accidents happen in the construction sector.
  • Other dangerous fields include the warehousing industry and private transportation sectors.
  • Most injured workers in Florida are white, non-Hispanic men between the ages of 45 to 64.

These facts illustrate the severity of workplace injuries and how often they occur.

Begin Your Free Case Review With Dismuke Law

If you or a loved one suffered a work-related injury or illness, you may qualify to receive workers’ compensation. A workers’ compensation attorney in Tampa, FL, from Dismuke Law can review your situation to see how much coverage you could receive based on your employer’s policy, then explain your legal options. If necessary, our personal injury firm can also help you build a lawsuit to fight for your financial recovery.

Call Dismuke Law today for a free consultation with one of our team members to learn how we can help you file for compensation. During this discussion, we can go over your case and explain our services. Don’t hesitate to begin your case today.

Take The Next Step

We Care About Your Recovery

Seriously injured? Have no coverage? We want to talk to you and we can help. We have two convenient office locations in Lakeland and Tampa and can even come to you if you are unable to travel due to your injuries. When you’ve been hurt in Florida, 1-800-ASK-DAVE is the only number you have to remember.


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